Jill Robinson came to Indiana University in 2002 and is a Senior Lecturer. She has a B.S. in Chemistry from Truman State University and a Ph.D. in Analytical and Atmospheric chemistry from the University of Colorado -Boulder. Her graduate research with Professor John Birks and Professor Kathy Rowlen involved the development of a portable chemiluminescence instrument for measuring nitric oxide (NO) in the atmosphere and human breath. The instrument was patented for use in asthma clinics as a tool to evaluate the effectiveness of asthma medications.
She teaches courses in general, analytical, and environmental chemistry and has been honored with several teaching awards including the President’s Award for Distinguished Teaching at Indiana University. She presents at national conferences in the area of chemical education and has facilitated workshops on active learning. She is a co-author on a widely used general chemistry textbook: Chemistry, 7th and 8th ed. published by Pearson Education. She enjoys chemistry outreach and has developed teacher workshops to incorporate nanoscience into K-12 classrooms. She serves as a faculty advisor for student organizations such as American Medical Women’s Association and The Brain Exercise Initiative.